Crypto Twitter taler op for Hal Finneys konto, SBF blev efter sigende fortalt af Binance CEO: Stop med at forårsage 'mere skade' - News Week i gennemgang

Bitcoiners on Twitter recently pleaded with the CEO of the social media platform, Elon Musk, to preserve the account of late computer scientist and bitcoin pioneer Hal Finney. The outcry came after Musk announced that a mass of inactive accounts would

Rapport: Alamedas Caroline Ellison beholder SECs tidligere chef for håndhævelsesafdelingen

After more attention has been cast on the former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison, a report details that Ellison has hired Wilmerhale partner Stephanie Avakian, an attorney that worked for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK). The news follows leaked

Elon Musk har mistanke om, at tidligere FTX-chef, Sam Bankman-Fried, har doneret over $1 Milliard til at støtte demokraterne

Teslas CEO og Twitter-chef Elon Musk siger, at den tidligere FTX-chef Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) formentlig doneret over $1 milliarder til at støtte Det Demokratiske Parti, hvilket ville være en meget større sum end det antal, der blev offentliggjort. Mange mennesker smækkede Musk…

Finansguru Dave Ramsey vejer ind over FTX-kollaps — gentager sin krypto-advarsel

Personal finance guru Dave Ramsey has weighed in on the collapse of cryptocurrency exchange FTX. “I told you so,” he repeatedly said, reiterating his long-standing advice that investors should not put money into crypto. Dave Ramsey on Bitcoin, Crypto, og…

Elon Musk sikrer finansiering fra kryptovenlig Binance, Sequoia, Troskab til at købe Twitter

Tesla og Spacex CEO Elon Musk har sikret sig $7.139 milliarder i nye finansieringstilsagn til at finansiere hans opkøb af Twitter, herunder fra flere pro-krypto virksomheder. Kryptovalutaudveksling Binance, for eksempel, har forpligtet sig til at investere $500 million in the social media platform